From February 26 to July 26 I will be in Thailand working with Christian missions in Hang Dong, Chiang Mai.
I'll use this site to document my many adventures, cultural encounter, and nutty stories :o)
Tuesday, 26 February 2008
I flew out of the Brisbane International airport just before midnight and, lucky me, was tested for explosive residue and frisked. There was just enough turbulence on the entirely purple flight for make me feel like I was in a womb as tried to sleep. Ended up watching 'youth pregnancy' based film Juno.
I spent three very early, rainy hours inside the Changi airport, Singapore, and took full advantage of the free internet and observing armed guards. There was time to send some gorgeous postcards home.
I felt quite weary when Rudy & Lara, two Brisbanites, brought me home. After hearing just how active the mission is in the Thai community I felt very encouraged and energised. I met their miniature poodle Latte, and their daughter Zena, when she came home from school.
I'm to address everyone older than me [neing almost everyone] with 'Pi' before their name and everyone younger than me with 'Nong', out of respect. The Thai girls in the team sat down to lunch after a short meeting and translated introduction from me. While I comfortably had Pad Thai, they settled into fish-head soup and pig crackling. There was a gritty and spicy soy bean paste, wrapped in a banana leaf, which I dipped sticky rice into.
At a nearby supermarket I exchanged some money, bought an adaptor and some Thai groceries.
We caught a 'song tao' [which means two lines - of seats] home. The Song Tao a small yellow vehicle with no back wall that operates along the main street like a bus. It usually costs 10 baht to ride. We stopped, every limb loaded with heavy bags, IN THE MIDDLE of highway-like traffic to cross the road.
I'm staying with one of the Thai team leaders and a fluent English speaker, Pi Yua
I bought a new Thai sim card today so please email me for the number. It's cheaper than my Aus one. I carry both my old and new number on me at all times.
Wednesday, 27 February 2008
An Australian missionary who's leaving on Monday, Sophie, showed me handy ins and outs of the local area and took me to the local marketplace for lunch. I was on my toes the entire time, dodging a bowl of live crickets about to be fried or hunks of meat [incl. pig heads!] out on the table, smothered in flies. If the shopkeeper notices you looking their way, they swing a plastic bag on a stick over the produce to shoo flies.
When we returned to the centre, Pi New braided my hair. She and Pi Rain took me to the markets where I saw live eels, toads, crickets, etc being cooked and eaten. I tried to eat a cricket, spat in onto my palm and saw that I'd decapitated it. I left it but ate five when I got home; I promise they taste just like 'Lays' Original chips.
There and back, three of us sat helmet-less on the motorbike, and at the next stop I got off on the right. I burnt the back of my right calf quite badly and later that night was so inflamed that it looked like I had an egg under my skin!
I'll write more next time I get net access....
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