This the 9th of June marks a truly special occassion. Aside from the frosty weather, my windburnt lips and the fact I've had to do a 7am shift on a Saturday, this Blog here marks history in being the first I write on this application, free from assessment and the scrunity of academic minds. As such - anything can happen! Beware...
For the reason that the hour is so early, my ramblings are incapable of covering todays happenings - that haven't happened yet! Yesterday I was honoured to aid a friend in his formation of the Nutcracker Handbook - an inspirational 'zine' [mini-magazine I'm told] that told, and at times contorted, the stories of elderly folks he'd met on his voluntary Meals on Wheels runs. The entire production could only be classified as unconventional as his intruiging stories complemented the beautiful, originally framed photos of the characters. What came to mind as I listed random objects that'd work beautifully in the borders [torches, zippers, top hats, robin hood hats, diamonds, etc] was the song of My Favourite Things as performed in pieces such as Bjork's film Dancer in the Dark. That film left me feeling deeply saddened at the injustice of its conclusion - but she's a simply beautiful artist. Her new song Earth Intruders is catchy, relevant to our current global situation [ever-the-environmentalist] and is also complimented by a very creative film clip - ;) check it out!
The next topic I must broach is one that I wrote on recently for an Effective Writing essay. The task was to write about writing - [!?!]. As mentioned in the actual content of the piece, it's astonishing just how much we reveal to ourselves from our unconscious when writing - Sigmund Freud explored it under the terminology 'The Talking Cure'. I hate to bring such formality into the content of my first 'Free Blog' [not that it was in any way oppressive to write for New Comm Tech; on the contrary quite inspiring] but I became so involved in the subject that it remains swimming in my brain for the time being. An issue also grappling with my mind at the moment, which occasionally surfaced in the piece, was the way in which writing subjectively provides an instant familiarity, of sort, between the text [author] and viewer. Despite all applications of intersubjectivity and intertextuality, the essence of the writer is given the allowance to not only expose a little of their own essence, but also to weaken the stringent structure of writing and the encouragement to be as unconventional as possible.
I apologise - I will try to wean myself off writing here about uni but it's been somewhat all consuming for the past few weeks. If I can drag myself away from relaxation and partying during these uni holidays I'll write again - perhaps regularly!
Not long until I venture into the unknown [to me] recesses of Melbourne! In five days I shall be planting my flag somewhere in its hills - although I may have to improvise with a coloured tissue and a toothpick!
Happy Blogging all ye who read here...
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