As a first year undergraduate, starting at university has been a daunting yet liberating experience of muffled lectures and scrambled thought broken up by, "Hiiiii! How are you darling!?"'s, with old and new-found friends. I'm studying a Bachelor of Communications, and so far majoring in Journalism and Writing. Ultimately my dream job would be with National Geographic, involving travel or at the very least documenting matters of remote interest.
**Please excuse the slow typing - Blood test this morning explains cotton ball stuck to inside of right elbow and sluggish thought**
Entering my first ever New Communication Tech lecture last Friday was very exciting, however, I learnt my first incredibly important lesson: technology cannot be relied on! I sat relatively close to the front, fingers poised in anticipation over the laptop keypad and unheard whir of operation from my tape recorder, when the unthinkable happened:
The battery on my laptop faded, crashed and burned and later listening to the tape-recording I realised it held only a whisper of indecipherable mumble! My minimal written notes of the day have been read and reread savagely and the first four chapters of the text poured over with sadly only the slightest mental absorption. The references to some books that I've read helped me feel remotely involved but I was also dragged into field of the unknown and exceptional: Mechani-humans are possible and I wasn't informed until now?!
I suppose there's no time like now to make proper introductions: I'm Alex. I recently graduated high school, where I focused my efforts mainly on English and creative strains. Reflecting on my subject selections from those past five years I have a lot of regrets for choosing the fields that sounded important, but didn't possess much leeway for expression. The reason space for expression is so critical to me (and I finally recognise this now), is that I work best when I'm able to become completely involved in what I'm doing and develop a passion for the topic. I've found that in this way I'm able to explore more aspects of the topic and reach more definite conclusions. More about me - I'm definately born and bred in Australia but I have obvious ethnic physical traits (such as olive skin, dark eyes and hair). I've found that heritage can be a great topic starter in conversations and I, personally, have a well developed appreciation for different cultures and ways of life. The portion of my relatives that I more frequently interact with are Southern Italian and I take great pride in such a link vibrant and rich culture and lifestyle. (Yes, my packed lunch is pasta I cooked up last night!).
I'm desperately hoping that New Communication Tech has many aspect I can tear into itty bits and piece together, thus allowing myself into every avenue of it.
At the moment I am a confessed myspace-aholic. I have been to the addicts meetings but I've failed to abstain from its daily call - (ok, sometimes hourly)! I've only checked it once since typing this blog - I'm on the road to recovery! I've posted what I considered blogs on myspace. Mostly they were impulsive ramblings about a great night out or quotes from a hilarious movie or, god forbid, declarations of feminine independence after a shaky break-up from a relationship. As such, this shall be my first official effort toward BLOGGING and for this reason I encourage you to be a sympathetic reader as I'm not really positive of what is expected of me!
The battery on my laptop faded, crashed and burned and later listening to the tape-recording I realised it held only a whisper of indecipherable mumble! My minimal written notes of the day have been read and reread savagely and the first four chapters of the text poured over with sadly only the slightest mental absorption. The references to some books that I've read helped me feel remotely involved but I was also dragged into field of the unknown and exceptional: Mechani-humans are possible and I wasn't informed until now?!
I suppose there's no time like now to make proper introductions: I'm Alex. I recently graduated high school, where I focused my efforts mainly on English and creative strains. Reflecting on my subject selections from those past five years I have a lot of regrets for choosing the fields that sounded important, but didn't possess much leeway for expression. The reason space for expression is so critical to me (and I finally recognise this now), is that I work best when I'm able to become completely involved in what I'm doing and develop a passion for the topic. I've found that in this way I'm able to explore more aspects of the topic and reach more definite conclusions. More about me - I'm definately born and bred in Australia but I have obvious ethnic physical traits (such as olive skin, dark eyes and hair). I've found that heritage can be a great topic starter in conversations and I, personally, have a well developed appreciation for different cultures and ways of life. The portion of my relatives that I more frequently interact with are Southern Italian and I take great pride in such a link vibrant and rich culture and lifestyle. (Yes, my packed lunch is pasta I cooked up last night!).
I'm desperately hoping that New Communication Tech has many aspect I can tear into itty bits and piece together, thus allowing myself into every avenue of it.
At the moment I am a confessed myspace-aholic. I have been to the addicts meetings but I've failed to abstain from its daily call - (ok, sometimes hourly)! I've only checked it once since typing this blog - I'm on the road to recovery! I've posted what I considered blogs on myspace. Mostly they were impulsive ramblings about a great night out or quotes from a hilarious movie or, god forbid, declarations of feminine independence after a shaky break-up from a relationship. As such, this shall be my first official effort toward BLOGGING and for this reason I encourage you to be a sympathetic reader as I'm not really positive of what is expected of me!
I believe I may have written quite enough to have permanently scarred you, and I've been encouraged to further explore Blogger, so I'll sign off now and this will hopefully be the first and last of clueless entries!
~Alexandra the grape (but call me Alex)
p.s. im crazy
good work alextricity the grape. chris
Haha yeah your forgiven, its not an easy name so i understand, plus you have prob met like 37648 people in the last 3 weeks. At least you remembered what i wore last week, ill let you off this time..... :)
Hi Alex, Andrew here from Effective writing and NCT. Thanks for your blog address. In return mine is andrewsnctblog.blogspot.com
Check it out and tell me what you think (not very interesting as yet, shall have to remedy that).
Happy Blogging,
Cheers Andrew
PS like the new hair colour :)
haha lov the confessions of a myspace fiend! im overly aware of the addictions.. maybe i shuld join ur addicts meetings
- Elisha
Hey there, I have as you can see some catching up to do in NCT. Love your writing and will check in on you. RandomIam
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